Widefield Lensless Endoscopy via Speckle Correlations

If you want to know about cool stuff going on in the optics field, check out the Advanced Imaging Lab, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Now they’ve come up with a way to make Widefield Lensless Endoscopy via Speckle Correlations. In short, this means smaller devices and better quality images by using speckle correlations in multicore fibers.

To illustrate it, and requested by Dr. Ori Katz  we did this image for them. It made it to the inside cover of OPN.

Working with them gets you in a state of something in between astonishment and “… you sure this is really possible???”. Like that time in 2014, when they claimed they were able to recover images through scattering layers and around corners. Well, it happened to be so true, it was published in Nature Photonics.

Phonometa’s new website

We’ve just finished the new Phonometa’s website, a research group that explores a not so common area of condensed matter physics:  physical acoustics, elasticity, and vibrating engineered fluids or solids.

Phonometa’s head, Johan Christensen, has just arrived from Denmark to establish his group at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Interesting stuff is going to come out of this.

Quantized thermal transport: this is big

For the first time, a solid proof of the quantized nature of thermal transport in single atom junctions. That’s it.

While quantized electrical conductance was pretty well known and proof for quite a while, quantized thermal transport observation was still slipping away from researchers eyes. Until now.

A group of researchers from Michigan University, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and Universität Konstanz have managed to reach the amazing levels of accuracy and stability this measurement requires.

This changes the game. And we had the opportunity to make this explanatory video for them with the help of Prof. J. C. Cuevas (UAM) and Longji Cui (UMICH). One of those times when your job pays off.

Where to research?

Here we present the IFT (Instituto de física teórica). Filmociencia has directed this beautiful video to present this research institute and the amazing environment they offer to students and researchers.

We have collaborated with them performing a small presentation effect.

Light and Death

At Cristina Flors’s research group they have been able to study bacterial death in real time. Bacterial death is induced through the combination of light and photosensitizers. This way it is possible inspect the pathway of photodynamic damage at the single-cell level.

Their work has been awarded with the cover of February’s issue of the Journal of Biophotonics.

Risky Life

It is always a pleasure to work with our friends in Filmociencia. They are the directors of what it is going to be a series of videos about risk for the ICMAT and funded by AXA Research Fund.
And we at Scixel did the graphics for it.

Want to learn more about risk and its modelling? Be on the watch for more videos!

Scixel goes to China

Dr. Lanza’s research activity is somewhat beyond understanding. At least beyond our understanding. Here is a good example: his new book on Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy, where he, together with leading researchers, provides a global perspective on the subject and covers novel strategies, configurations and setups where new information will be obtained with the help of CAFM.

Graphene, now in full colour

Researchers from the Graphene Flagship at TU Delft have found a new potential application for graphene: mechanical pixels. By applying a pressure difference across graphene membranes, the perceived color of the graphene can be shifted continuously from red to blue.

In this simulation, requested by Santiago Cartamil and performed by Scixel, graphene changes its colour depending on its own deformation. These pixels, which do not emit light themselves but are visible in sunlight, could lead to energy-efficient colour displays that can be used in devices such as e-books and smart watches.
Are we witnessing a change of paradigm?

Molecular selfies

People at the ICFO have rocked the boat again. This time by taking pictures of chemical reactions with unprecedent space and time resolution. And we were lucky enough to make this picture for them, representing the process.

No surprise this research has been published in Science.